Sunday, June 26, 2011

End of June Update

Taz testing "his" path
Our back yard garden continues to thrive. Taz is enjoying it as much as we are. Here he is walking along the  planter wall, a path he considers his right of way regardless of what might be planted there.

All the sunflower plants are in bloom, even the largest ones. They extend 4-5 feet above the top of the block wall now.

Curious hummingbird
John was surprised by a hummingbird as he was taking photos of the sunflowers. He managed to get this shot before the hummer zoomed away.

Each green bean plant is heavy with ripe green beans ready for picking. We are now giving them to the neighbors since we can't keep up!

Bowl of corn ready to cook
As well as the corn did, we noticed that recently the ears of corn were starting to get a little chewy. Suspecting that the triple-digit temperatures we're experiencing were a contributing factor, we decided to pick all the edible ears of corn and bring them in out of the heat.

This morning John went ahead and pulled up the corn stalks. He'll plant another crop of corn this fall once it's cooled down a little.

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