Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Early May

While I was gone on vacation for two weeks, the corn and sunflowers continued to grow at a very fast rate. Here is a progress photo taken on April 22nd.

Five days later, John posed with the corn to show how tall it was getting. You can tell that it grew a couple more inches in that short time.

By May 6th the corn is about six feet tall and maturing nicely.

Here is a close-up of the tassels with the male flowers which produce the pollen, which is consequently carried by the wind to the corn silk.

Corn silk.

This photo shows the progress of all three corn circles as of two days ago.

The sunflowers are also doing extremely well and already taller than they were last year.

Here is a close-up of one of the sunflowers, getting ready to bloom.

And this morning, we were greeted by our very first sunflower!